My Little Pony Symbol Guide

       Welcome to the My Little Pony Symbol Guide! We have symbol photos for nearly every US pony, and we'll be adding pictures of Special Offer and other pony symbols soon.

       To use the symbol guide, hover your cursor a pony's name in the list on the left. If a picture of her symbol is available, it will appear in the box on the right. Clicking on a pony's name will open a new window to display her symbol.

       (Note: some of the symbol photo links are not currently working, as we are in the process of retaking many of the photos. They should be working again soon. Also note that not all of these symbols are in mint condition; some may be flawed or faded.)

United States Ponies


       Text and images copyright ©2005-2012 by Ponyland Press, except where otherwise indicated. Please do not copy text or images without permission.
       My Little Pony and all of the names and characters associated therewith are the property of Hasbro. Ponyland Press claims neither any affiliation with Hasbro nor any ownership of any of the names or characters associated with My Little Pony.
       Please feel free to email us with any questions or comments about Ponyland Press.