Pretty Ponies were introduced in Year 9, between 1990 and 1991. They were printed in the three poses which had previously only been used in the Sweetheart Sister Pony sets. The Pretty Ponies, however, are not called Sweetheart Sisters, nor do they wear eyeshadow or earrings like the Sweetheart Sister Ponies do. In fact, apart from their slender bodies, the Pretty Ponies most closely resemble the simplicity of the original Flatfoot and Collector ponies: their symbols are single-colored, their hair is single-colored (the same color as their bodies), and each of them came with a basic comb, just as the Collector Ponies did.
Flower Dream is a light blue young-adult earth with blue hair and green eyes. Her symbol is dark pink flowers forming a heart shape, with a dark pink heart at the center. She is in the Spring Song Pose. Flower Dream came with a dark pink basic comb.
Rosy Love is a dark pink young-adult earth with dark pink hair and blue eyes. Her symbol is two blue-green birds inside a blue-green heart shape, with hearts and dots floating around them. She is in the Dainty Pose. Flower Dream came with a blue-green basic comb.
Beautybloom is a peach-pink young-adult earth with peach hair and lavender eyes. Her symbol is a blue heart-shaped candy box. She is in the Spring Song Pose. Beautybloom came with a blue basic comb.
Gardenglow is a pale lavender young-adult earth with lavender hair and blue eyes. Her symbol is a pink heart with pink leaves growing inside, two bell-shaped pink flowers hanging inside from the top, and numerous pink hearts and dots along the inside edges. She is in the Fancy Flower Pose. Gardenglow came with a dark pink basic comb.