Baby Sea Ponies were first introduced in Year 3, between 1984 and 1985. (Three more sets of Baby Sea Ponies would appear in subsequent years: the Pretty n' Pearly Baby Sea Ponies in Year 4, the Sea Sparkle Baby Sea Ponies in Year 5, and the Watercolor Baby Sea Ponies in Year 6.) Baby Sea Ponies look very similar to adult Sea Ponies, with pony heads, curled plastic tails, and dorsal and pectoral fins. Each Baby Sea Pony has a hole in the top of her head which allows water to be easily squeezed out of her. Unlike the first Baby Ponies, the Baby Sea Ponies were not made to correspond to previously printed adults in mother/baby sets.
The Baby Sea Ponies do not have metal weights in their tails like the adults; instead, each Baby Sea Pony came with a duck-shaped, fish-shaped, or turtle-shaped float to help her stay upright in water. Each pony also came with a pamphlet, a whale brush, a ribbon, and a scented sticker.
Surf Rider is a pale lavender baby sea pony with light pink hair and blue eyes. She has pink fin markings. She is in the Tiny Bubbles Pose.
Surf Rider came with a blue and purple fish float, a pamphlet, a whale brush, a ribbon, and a scented sticker.
Sea Star is yellow baby sea pony with lavender hair and purple eyes. She has pink fin markings. She is in the Backstroke Pose. Sea Star came with a pink and purple duck float, a pamphlet, a whale brush, a ribbon, and a scented sticker.
Tiny Bubbles is a light blue baby sea pony with yellow hair and blue eyes. She has yellow fin markings. She is in the Tiny Bubbles Pose. Tiny Bubbles came with a yellow and orange duck float, a pamphlet, a whale brush, a ribbon, and a scented sticker.
Sea Shimmer is a light green baby sea pony with aqua hair, aqua eyes, and aqua fin markings. She is in the Tiny Bubbles Pose. Sea Shimmer came with a purple and green turtle float, a pamphlet, a whale brush, a ribbon, and a scented sticker.
Backstroke is a dark pink baby sea pony with orange-gold hair and aqua eyes. She has orange fin markings. She is in the Backstroke Pose. Backstroke came with an aqua and orange fish float, a pamphlet, a whale brush, a ribbon, and a scented sticker.
Splasher is a blue baby sea pony with lavender hair, purple eyes, and purple fin markings. She is in the Backstroke Pose. Splasher came with a green and blue turtle float, a pamphlet, a whale brush, a ribbon, and a scented sticker.