The best-known pony site around, and a fantastic place for information on everything to do with My Little Ponies.

The largest and most extensive message board for buying, trading, selling, and discussing My Little Ponies.

An excellent and well-established message board for trading, selling, and discussing My Little Ponies.
A vast and wonderful site with MIP pictures of nearly every My Little Pony.
Taffeta's guide to UK ponies and variants, with information on every pony that was sold in the UK, including those that were also sold in the US and other countries.
A guide to My Little Pony variants from all over the world.
A page devoted to explaining everything about the Australian alternate Birthflower Ponies.
A guide to G1 pony poses, and all the ponies ever printed in them. Still under construction, but promises to be very thorough.
Everything you need to know about customizing My Little Ponies.
Ahrian's pony website: info on PVCs, miniatures, and fakies.
ThriftyPony's fakie page. Information about different kinds of fake My Little Ponies.