My Little Pony Coin Banks

       Several My Little Pony coin banks were made in various countries. If you have information about these banks, or photos of others to contribute, please, let us know!

       Click on the pictures to view the full-size images.

Click to view full-sized image. My Little Pony Savings Bank

Featuring Bow-Tie

*Photo by Inglemist. Used with permission.*

Click to view full-sized image. Bow-Tie Coin Bank

Featuring Bow-Tie

*Photo by Inglemist. Used with permission.*

Click to view full-sized image. Green Bow-Tie Coin Bank

Featuring a pony with Bow-Tie's symbol, but green with white hair

*Photo by Drusilla. Used with permission.*

Click to view full-sized image. Blossom Coin Bank

Featuring Blossom

*Photo by Drusilla. Used with permission.*


       Text and images copyright ©2009 by Ponyland Press, except where otherwise indicated. Please do not copy text or images without permission.
       My Little Pony and all of the names and characters associated therewith are the property of Hasbro. Ponyland Press claims neither any affiliation with Hasbro nor any ownership of any of the names or characters associated with My Little Pony.
       Please feel free to email us with any questions or comments about Ponyland Press.